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I came for the satire, I stayed for the tribes

Ever since this pandemic started, it's been harder to feel a sense of connection with my tribes; my family so far away, my circle of friends who provide my comedic outlet, and my mom tribes who offer unconditional guidance and support. They're all still there of course, but perhaps the overwhelming pressure to thrive and survive with 24/7 parenting, working from home, remote learning, maintaining a marriage and a home (we even moved during a pandemic, more on that crazy story another time) has me feeling a heightened need for a larger community - a sense of acknowledgement that I'm not alone in any of the feelings I have.

Sarcasm and jokes have always been the best part of parenting (obviously not really, but why have kids if you can't make fun of them?!). Lately humor has been more important than ever. Music has also always been a wonderful outlet. So I decided to write a few parodies. Quarantine certainly must be taking a toll on me, because I never would have felt brave enough to put any of my work out publicly. But even if only a few saw it, it started to make me happy just to be creating. To feel a sense of accomplishment when sometimes you feel like you are failing everywhere else. And my kids, my adorably vain kids, love watching it over and over again and they laugh and laugh. So I shared it and started this blog and social account. I did this as a way to have a creative, comedic outlet to make it through these crazy times. And as I started exploring all of the amazing mom and dad and parent accounts online, I found more and more humor and more and more comedic therapy.

But I also am starting to find something else. It's a beautiful thing I never expected. A tribe of parents. People like me. Loving parents who just want to poke a little fun at this whole parenting thing because, probably like me, it's the only way to survive it. And these people, likely all strangers themselves at one point (many still strangers) are supporting each other; laughing with each other; lifting each other up; asking for help; and extending their tribes to help others when in need. Even a simple joke or a kind comment can help someone when he or she needs it most - and while sometimes it may seem trivial (and sometimes it is) - I was not expecting the type of community I am finding when it comes to parenting online. I'm looking forward to exploring further. I hope you'll join me.

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